
From all I can gather, William Lindsay was the straightest of arrows, a saint. In an attempt to keep his experiences accessible, I'm dedicating a few years of research into William Lindsay and putting it on this blog. Please sign the guestbook. I'd love for this to be a gathering place for discussion on the man and his family.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

John Murray Murdoch (Uncle, Captain and late Father-in-law)

John Murray Murdoch
Source: James and Mary Murray Murdoch Family History

William Lindsay was related through marriage (twice) to John Murray Murdoch's niece Mary Mair and after her death to his widowed daughter Sarah Murdoch Rasband. Perhaps being related to John Murray Murdoch isn't unique considering that Mr. Murdoch had 22 children and numerous other descendants with his two wives. However, John Murdoch housed William's future wife Mary upon her arrival into the Heber valley from Scotland. Later, William Lindsay was part of the infantry under John Murdoch's command in the Blackhawk Indian War. William Lindsay participated in the many celebrations held amidst the Murdoch family in the following years and spoke at some of their funerals.

For the occasion of the John M. Murdock's 46th wedding anniversary in 1894, a surprise party was thrown where William Lindsay spoke and "was followed by singing, recitations, and other forms of amusements, also an excellent picnic supper was served." Sounds a lot like a current Lindsay family get together.

This account is from the Wasatch Wave, 2/27/1894.

Finally, after William's wife Mary died in 1916, William Lindsay married John Murray Murdoch's widowed daughter Sarah Murdoch Rasband in 1918 and they lived together for another 16 years in Heber.

John Murray Murdoch and his wives
Painting by: Clark Kelley Price
Available for purchase here.

For more information about John Murray Murdoch, see the book "The Scottish Shepherd" that was recently published regarding his life.

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